tirsdag 31. mai 2011

Rigid Hips, Stockholm

Nice new T-shirt arrived yesterday from Sweden. I like em with the logo on the side, then my beard don´t get in the way

Have a look. It´s totally crazygreat! Rigid Hips, Stockholm

mandag 30. mai 2011

Junk Junky

There´s always sunglasses...

hoof opener



Yulia Tymoshenko


...forgot to put the link in the last post. Here it is:
Norrtälje Custom Bike Show

still not sure...

...if i can make it this year...

But you should! It´s the best!

HERE´s a book I made, with pictures of bikes from the 2005 edition of Norrtälje Custom Bike Show

søndag 29. mai 2011


Happened on a farmaceutical museum today. As you know, I love old stuff...

Live leeches (sorry about the bad focus, my camera thought I wanted to film what was behind the aquarium...). According to the lady in the museum, leeches have three jaws with 270 teeth, ten eyes, two hearts and, last but not least: 32 (!!!) brains... Beat that!

torsdag 26. mai 2011

and bookcase coming along, slowly

bookcase coming along, slowly

and rooster feet outside my window to ward off evil spirits and catburglars

and more stuff

A nice example of the so called "car-pillow". These were very popular in Scandinavia in the 50s and 60s. Either they were embroidered with traffic signs, or - like this one - decorated with patches from trawels around europe.

A great and highly functional drum made from animal hide and an old paint can.

A hanger with a kind of strange form.

Extra gas, anyone?

A nickel silver butterfly napkin holder.

Amanda lear... Anyone remember Amanda Lear..?

A wooden bench that someone put some time making, not a professional, I´d say, but quite nice anyway.

Colorod..? Sawfish!

Just a few words... I know it´s been a while since I last posted scans from the Swedish 70s motormagazine Colorod. That´s not because I don´t have more, it´s just that I have the rest in my summerhouse in Sweden. Going there in a couple of weeks or so, so keep your pants on, there´s more coming.

In the meantime: A sawfish saw!

søndag 22. mai 2011

things, things, things...

more scores from the dump

a Viking

a slingshot

green letters

vintage Super-8 adult movies from the 1970´s... now where´s that old Super-8 projector of mine..?

torsdag 19. mai 2011

Roadside Norway/Sweden

I went to the border between Sweden and Norway yesterday. I´m going to do a public commision in a customs station, but I´ll get back to that when I have pictures.

Roadside I found these large scale sculptures:

a really huge (compare to the trucks) soldier at Charlottenberg

a sitting troll in Morokulien

and last but not least: a naive, large scale tribute to Kurt Cobain at Magnor

(not really... it´s supposed to be a man blowing glass)

søndag 15. mai 2011

even more things

Been busy working at the dump lately. Not much time for fun, but loads of nice free stuff...

great leather

Flash Gordons soldering gun


Honda (?)

Rocka Hula baby

Art deco

at last I got my own locker

happy man bank

the Norwegian lion

mini bottles

iron with light holes...

front wheel