fredag 30. september 2011


this weeks top find: A Moose Propeller!!! (probably from a Moostang...)

a Bali (?) lady

a sweet peanut bowl

a small canon

a small wooden fjord box

a great knife (made in the U.S. of A.)

another small box

a sling shot (needs new rubber)

snow shoes, will be good for the upcoming winter when I go hunting for polar bears

a very nice Tintin-box

another wooden box

and last but not least: a Zetor-box!


...second issue of 1973.

A VW-trike, a couple of pans and a rather wild Triumph, all built in Sweden

I do not watermark my scans because I think it´s ugly and the pictures aren´t really mine to start with, I just scan them from old mags and publish them. So, feel free to steal and reblog my scans, but please do not put your own watermarks on them, and please remember to tell them where you found them! Thanks!

mandag 26. september 2011

last weeks garbage treasures

a nice Pegasus "hood ornament" from a DBS bicycle

two crazy, pot smoking monkeys made from coconut

a lunch box

a large (!) hook

a flat ferret

a heavy cast iron door knocker

a lone piper

a bunch of sexy sauna guys on an LP cover

a small (fully functional) stobe light

a drum majors staff

a handmade troll-witch (folk art at it´s best)

a handmade wooden troll lamp (folk art at it´s best, again)

two wise monkeys... See No Evil is missing, unfortunately

an old can of floor varnish (really great graphics)

a Vespa, unfortunately in a bad state

a bunch of stuff from the Wild West

and last but not least: a reproduction of a painting of a girl with a glass of absinthe (my favourite drink), painting is called Claudel and was painted by Marcel Dyf

fredag 16. september 2011

Swedish Triumph digger

from the magazine Wheels, august 1978

I do not watermark my scans because I think it´s ugly and the pictures aren´t really mine to start with, I just scan them from old mags and publish them. So, feel free to steal and reblog my scans, but please do not put your own watermarks on them, and please remember to tell them where you found them! Thanks!

torsdag 15. september 2011

a knuck, a couple of Triumphs and a Royal Enfield

from Colorod, # 3, 1978

I do not watermark my scans because I think it´s ugly and the pictures aren´t really mine to start with, I just scan them from old mags and publish them. So, feel free to steal and reblog my scans, but please do not put your own watermarks on them, and please remember to tell them where you found them! Thanks!

news from the dump, confessions of a garbage junky

Famous Fights, super-8 movie

a spray gun

an air gun

a small amp and some effects

4 cans of Carlsberg beer

a thing for keeping cheese in

a nice old cabinet

an old, rusty leghold trap

a ladies razor in a cute litte box (see my fingers for size comparision)

an orange case (I just love orange)

an old polaroid of a man walking towards a limo

glasses for wathing solar eclipses

a trilobite

two Norwegian WWII medals

an old watch on a chain