Take a good look at the yellow Triumph at the bottom of the post... the assymetric molded tank and paint job, the crazy high bars, open primary, extended harley springer, sky high pipes and sizzy bar... so weird and oh sooo coool...

I do not watermark my scans because I think it´s ugly and the pictures aren´t really mine to start with, I just scan them from old mags and publish them. So, feel free to steal and reblog my scans, but please do not put your own watermarks on them, and please remember to tell them where you found them! Thanks!
SvarSlettTack för komplimangen!
SvarSlettHar en trave gamla Hojmaggan åxå, men jag kör Colorod en stund framöver först, så får vi se senare. Men tack för erbjudandet i alla fall!
Johan Urban